Two new project committees have been created to move the college forward in the sustainability arena. One committee will focus on institutional activities, the other will focus on integrating sustainability issues and concerns into the academic programs of the college.
It may be somewhat puzzling to see where sustainability issues fall within the boundaries of history, medical assisting, or Spanish classes. But after a few moments to ponder the thought, one can readily recognize that green concerns are in every industry, trade , and profession. Our students will need to be fully aware of sustainability and green concerns in whatever career choice they make.
The college must also put forth a concetrated effort to identify and reduce its own waste of resources, recycle where we can, reduce consumption of chemicals, and create its own "green" identity.
Many institutions across the country have been engaged in sustainable practices for years. We can learn from them the best practices and implement them at MCC.
The committees are just getting underway and are sorting through suggested topics for their agenda. I have asked that they not try to tackle everything all at once. There are so many directions that we can go, and if we attempt to address everyone one of them we will set ourselves up to not do any of them very well.
It's also quite obvious that the committees won't be successful without student input, as well. Once the semester has progressed a little further and the committees have had a chance to sort through the startup struggles, we'll recruit students to join them.
Mike Kearns