Tuesday, September 29, 2009

sustainability initiatives

Two new project committees have been created to move the college forward in the sustainability arena. One committee will focus on institutional activities, the other will focus on integrating sustainability issues and concerns into the academic programs of the college.

It may be somewhat puzzling to see where sustainability issues fall within the boundaries of history, medical assisting, or Spanish classes. But after a few moments to ponder the thought, one can readily recognize that green concerns are in every industry, trade , and profession. Our students will need to be fully aware of sustainability and green concerns in whatever career choice they make.

The college must also put forth a concetrated effort to identify and reduce its own waste of resources, recycle where we can, reduce consumption of chemicals, and create its own "green" identity.

Many institutions across the country have been engaged in sustainable practices for years. We can learn from them the best practices and implement them at MCC.

The committees are just getting underway and are sorting through suggested topics for their agenda. I have asked that they not try to tackle everything all at once. There are so many directions that we can go, and if we attempt to address everyone one of them we will set ourselves up to not do any of them very well.

It's also quite obvious that the committees won't be successful without student input, as well. Once the semester has progressed a little further and the committees have had a chance to sort through the startup struggles, we'll recruit students to join them.

Mike Kearns

Saturday, September 26, 2009

HR 3221 goes into the Senate

After passage of HR 3221 in the House, the bill will make its way to the Senate for a vote in about 10 days. There is great debate over the student loan portion of the Senate version of the bill. Now that the private banking industry has had more time to study the effects of moving toward government backed direct student loans and excluding private banks in this market, they are lobbying hard to stop the bill from moving forward in the Senate. Consequently, we don't yet know the final language of the bill that will hit the floor for a vote.

Once we know more, we will once again be calling on students, faculty, and staff to make the calls to our Senators, McCain and Kyl, to voice our position. If party lines hold, as they did in the House, it would be of no surprise to see our delegaion vote against the bill.

Stay tuned, I'll keep you informed.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

expanded partnership


Mohave Community College is expanding our partnership role with the Mohave County One Stop office to develop "fast track" academic programs in a few selected disciplines. Over the last several weeks we have been working with One Stop staff to test and place students who are interested, and qualified, for these programs.

The college has partnered for years with our friends at the county workforce development offices. The unique aspect of this initiative is that the primary funding source is the American recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), otherwise known as stimulus money.

It is great to see that Mohave County citizens is receiving its share of the money. The college will be receiving ARRA money directly from the Governor's Office in a few days that will partially offset the reduction in state appropriations in the last fiscal year which ended on June 30. Without that money the college would have faced even tougher decisions in how to continue to operate and provide quality services.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

H1N1 flu

MCC students and staff,

The H1N1 flu has been documented in Mohave County and will eventually find its way to all our campuses. The college has undertaken prevention startegies to curb its onset and spread. Hand-sanitizer dispensers will soon be in many locations on all the campuses. Surfaces will be cleaned daily with disinfecting chemicals. Posters reminding everyone to wash their hands frequently throughout the day are displayed in all our buildings.

Your assistance is needed in order to minimize the impact to our institution. If you develop flu symptoms, please stay home. Do not go back to public places for at least one whole day you last have a fever (even though you may feel fine). Stay home; you are still contagious.

Together, we can prevent significant outbreak.

Thank you for doing your part.

Mike Keanrs

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

birthday thank you's

Thanks to the Vice-President and three lovely women who sang Happy Birthday to me today. Not exactly the infamous "Happy Birthday Mr. President" memorialized in our nation's history; but, just as heartfelt!

Thanks to all who called Congressman Franks office over the last few days. Feedback from the office indicates we made quite an impression; and that is exactly what we needed to happen.


Monday, September 14, 2009

need your support on Congressional Bill HR3221

MCC Community,

Community colleges across the country stand to benefit greatly if a bill now before Congress finds its way into law. HR 3221 will be voted upon by our Congressman, Trent Franks, this week. We need you to call his office and urge him to vote in favor of this bill.

This bill provides funding from the stimulus plan for renovation and construction of facilities on community college campuses, as well as providing funding for financial aid and academic programs.

Our bond issue failed last November; and without a significant turnaround in the economy it is unlikely that the voters will approve adding another tax.

Please call: 202-225-4576

Ask Congressman Franks to support HR 3221


Mike Kearns

MCC Event Calendar